Thanks to your subscription to the panier anti-gaspi or through a one-off donation, we are able to finance the delivery of donations to community organizations.

Did you know that 71% of food banks in Quebec announced that they lacked food to meet the needs of vulnerable populations*?
* The network of Quebec Food Banks, 2023
To support them, we work alongside several non-profit organizations to offer fruits and vegetables saved from food waste to the most deprived populations.
Guided by values of mutual aid, inclusion and social commitment, Share the warmth supports the most vulnerable Montrealers.
Last year, the community organization distributed more than 7,180 meals and promoted the involvement of children in need through several programs.
It is a space of solidarity in the heart of Montreal that aims for autonomy, inclusion and access to food security.
The community organization is invested with a social mission. Thanks to its community restaurant, it shares nutritious meals at a lower cost and maintains connections with people in need.
Guillaume, former chef of the restaurant Les 400 coups , is the director and co-initiator.
To counter food waste, the non-profit organization donates several kilos of food to food relief organizations and processes another part.
The Petites-Mains coffee is a place of social integration which contributes to improve the condition of immigrant women towards greater autonomy.
Specialized in international cuisine, the coffee is also a place of meeting and solidarity where it is possible to eat responsibly. Fresh and seasonal products on the menu!