Super companies of the circular economy

The super montrealer cooperative specializes in the circular economy around residual cereals from beer brewing. To combat food waste, COOP Boomerang transforms spent grain into a local, nutritious and eco-responsible flour. They are also our neighbours, we love them!
A nutritious and affordable circular meal imagined from plants and surpluses from local farms to reduce food waste. The company offers dehydrated, ready meals made with at least one wild Quebec ingredient. A wonderful way to eat locally all year round!
Flirt Drinks aims to reduce food waste with super drinks made from unsold fruits and vegetables. Without artificial additives, and made with real ingredients, you can opt for a soda, a juice, or a kombucha straight from the circular economy. Give a second life to the unloved in the food industry!
Good Big Nice is a Montreal-based lacto-fermented food company that produces traditional recipes in small batches. Unpasteurized, upcycled kimchi, sauerkraut, and hot sauces are made from local ingredients. A super natural way to preserve food to avoid food waste!
La Transformerie reduces food waste thanks to the survivors of grocery and fruit stores. The Montreal initiative makes vegan spreads, marmalades and sauces in Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie. A simple and short list of ingredients, low in sugar, whose jars (and even the labels!) are returnable!
Découvrez une nouvelle façon de cuisiner, alliant saveur, praticité et engagement durable.
Les Mélanges Maltés incarnent une expérience culinaire exceptionnelle : issus d'une démarche éco-responsable, riches en fibres et nutriments avec des ingrédients locaux, mettant en avant la richesse de notre terroir.
The Montreal company specializes in the production of vegan and natural super popscicles and smoothies. These beverages and products (with the real taste of fruits and vegetables) are made from foodstuffs saved from food waste. She's also our neighbor, and just for that, we love her very much!
L’entreprise montréalaise est spécialisée dans la production de super popsicles et smoothies végans et naturels. Ces breuvages et produits (au vrai goût de fruits et légumes) sont réalisés à partir de denrées sauvées du gaspillage alimentaire. C'est aussi notre voisine, et rien que pour ça, on l'aime fort !
The Quebec company uses malted cereals from brewing beer to make crispy crackers. Based in Saint-Ambroise-de-Kildare in Quebec, ReBon thinks bigger and promotes all food co-products. Thinking about the unloved in the transformation process, that's a great idea!