The foundation panier anti-gaspi
Improove recovers and makes accessible fruits and vegetables saved from food waste .
They may be imperfect, coming from damaged or surplus packaging, organic or conventionally grown, directly from local farms and food distributors.
We deliver the baskets weekly to the school, on a table at the entrance.
- Lanaudière elementary school: available Thursday after 3.30 p.m.
The family basket, with an average weight of 9 kg, contains approximately 28 portions of fresh fruit and vegetables , including at least 10 portions of fruit for lunches.
It is designed for a family of 4 people (2 adults and 2 children) and is offered as an economical subscription .
The content include the most popular fruits and vegetables based on availability, providing a colorful, tasty and healthy variety for the whole family.
Community engagement
We donate part of the proceeds from the sale of the baskets to the school foundation to support extracurricular activities.
Member of La Centrale Agricole, Improove (that's us) has set itself the mission of reducing waste and food insecurity in the region. The NPO (that's us again) revalues the surpluses of local producers and distributors via The anti-waste basket, verified by Aliments du Québec. Fresh fruits and vegetables saved, right outside your door!